A Thank you & a farewell from NIHR CLAHRC Yorkshire and Humber: Delivering innovative research through effective partnerships #CLAHRC_Impact @SheffieldHosp @NIHRresearch

We are saying Thank you for your support over the last five or eleven years, for this CLAHRC and for our pilot NIHR CLAHRC for South Yorkshire.

We would like to thank our host organisation Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS FT for their support in both the pilot NIHR CLAHRC SY 2008-2013 and in NIHR CLAHRC YH 2014-2019.

We are saying farewell rather than goodbye as we have left a solid footprint and tomorrow we pass the mantle to the #YHARC 01/10/2019.

We would like to use this final blog to highlight our impact and legacy.

NIHR CLAHRC YH Impact and legacy

We have produced a final Impact and Legacy brochure which demonstrates a snapshot of the substantial work we have undertaken across the region.

You can see first-hand the tools that we have produced on our http://www.e-repository.clahrc-yh.nihr.ac.uk/ The e-repository is a collection of actionable research tools which have been developed by researchers to help address the challenges of translating research into practice.


To ensure that our work is accessible, we have produced a series of films highlighting a case study from each of our Themes and has an introduction and a final message which summarises the work we have carried out.

You can learn more about specific Themes and projects on our website www.clahrc-yh.nihr.ac.uk and you can see more of our impacts by joining our Twitter hashtag community at #CLAHRC_Impact

On a final note, we would like to wish the NIHR ARC Yorkshire and Humber every success and encourage you to sign up for their newsletter http://eepurl.com/gCfwJH, view their website at www.arc-yh.nihr.ac.uk and continue to follow them on twitter at the @CLAHRCYH address from 01/10/2019.

May we all continue to work together to improve both the health and wealth of the population of Yorkshire and Humber.

Best wishes,

Professor Sue Mawson, NIHR CLAHRC YH Director

Newsletter ~ Have you signed up for the #YHARC mailing list http://eepurl.com/gCfwJH

NIHR CLAHRC YH funding ends 30/9/2019 & we will transform into NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Yorkshire and Humber. To receive news bulletins, information & updates from #NIHRARCYH sign up here eepurl.com/gCfwJH

website ARC Logo

The Yorkshire and Humber ARC will be hosted within Bradford Institute for Health Research (BIHR), which is part of Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The funding will enable BIHR and partner organisations across Yorkshire and the Humber, including 44 NHS organisations, 15 Local Authorities and 10 universities, to prioritise research into a number of health issues including older people with frailty, healthy childhood, urgent care and mental ill health.

Director of Yorkshire and Humber ARC, Professor John Wright, of BIHR said: “We are delighted that the Yorkshire and Humber region has been awarded this important programme of applied research. Medical research can often seem remote from everyday life.

“Our ARC will support people-powered research that aims to improve health and well-being for our communities. Our themes of healthy childhood, mental health, older people and urgent care are the priorities that have been identified by our NHS partners and the public and will ensure our patients benefit from cutting-edge innovation.”



NIHR CLAHRC Yorkshire and Humber Impact & Legacy Brochure online https://bit.ly/2lN1Ad8 #CLAHRC_Impact @NIHRResearch #CLAHRC

In our annual brochures we have presented impacts in the following three key domains:
Health: By health, we mean the impact our work has on patients, the public, services, policy and practice that directly affects the health of the population of Yorkshire and Humber and beyond.
Wealth: By wealth, we mean the impact our collaboration can have through working with industry, improving or informing cost effectiveness, and improving the health of the workforce. This is alongside the direct investment that attracting research money into the region brings.
Science: By science, we mean the impact the research and project teams have on the way we do research. Pioneering and developing new methodologies (ways of doing research) and new theories to explain the way health services work.

NIHR CLAHRC YH Impact and legacy

We have produced an Impact and Legacy brochure demonstating a snapshot of the substantial work undertaken across the region and how our work has impacted in these areas.


Follow our work on the twitter community at #CLAHRC_Impact

Find out more on our website http://clahrc-yh.nihr.ac.uk/home

PhD Studentship ~ Exploring the potential to promote healthy ageing and reduce multimorbidity by enhancing social connections post-retirement @ShefHealthspan @ScHARRpubhealth

Studentship available for 3.5years to undertake research on healthy ageing with Liddy Goyder and Andrea Wigfield at the Healthy Lifespan Institute ⁦‪@sheffielduni⁩. Project start date by December 2019.

This studentship is part of the Healthy Lifespan Institute at the University of Sheffield, a newly formed flagship research initiative with the mission to prevent multimorbidity through innovative policies, services and products. Multimorbidity is a rapidly increasing global epidemic due to population ageing. The Institute is built on the twin pillars of research excellence and impact innovation to understand the common biological and social processes underpinning multimorbidity as people age and discover novel ways to intervene at different stages of the life course. The Institute comprises of more than 120 leading researchers from across four faculties, led by the medical and social sciences, with a unique focus on improving health across the life course by preventing multimorbidity – the presence of two or more chronic health conditions – and age-related frailty. 

Supervisors: Prof. Elizabeth Goyder (School of Health and Related Research) and Dr. Andrea Wigfield (Department of Sociological Studies).
See bit.ly/2lAkBzy for more details


Welcome to the 9th of the NIHR CLAHRC YH HEOM Newsletter.

From the 1st October we will move from the CLAHRC to form part of the Applied Research Collaboration (ARC).

More information about this five year project can be found in this newsletter, including:

  • Our ARC Health Economics, Evaluation and Equality priorities
  • A pictograph illustrating the theme’s achievements from 2015—2019

We look forward to welcoming you to the NIHR ARC project in our first newsletter due out Winter 2019.

If you have not received a copy of issues 1 – 8 of our newsletter, please visit the NIHR CLAHRC YH HEOM Theme webpages to download your copy at http://tinyurl.com/y9rou6c3

You can find out more about the HEOM theme and our projects here

We hope you enjoy the read.

Kind regards


Fellowships ~ NIHR School for Public Health Research @NIHRSPHR @ScHARRpubhealth #PublicHealthResearch #NIHR @NIHRresearch

NIHR School for Public Health Research Fellowships in public health research at pre- and post-doctoral level. 

Public health research is entering a phase of transformation following the publication of the Academy of Medical Sciences report ‘Health of the Public 2040’. There is a drive to build on existing strengths to make the UK the world leader in public health prevention research, and to meet the substantial public health challenges we face. We want to see more research that is useful, timely and accessible to those responsible for delivering policies and services that ultimately protect and improve the health of the population. We need research that helps answer the most important questions facing policy makers, Local Authorities and service providers. To do this we need to inspire the next generation of academics into public health research with the option to combine academic research with practice as a career pathway.

At this exciting time we are offering up to 16 pre- and post-doctoral fellowships across the eight leading academic centres aligned to the SPHR research programmes and cross cutting themes. The Fellowships will normally be taken up between January and March 2020 and applications are welcome from individuals with a strong academic record who wish to develop a career in public health research.

The NIHR SPHR pre-doctoral Fellowships in Public Health Research are open to individuals with a Master’s degree, for up to 24 months offering those appointed the opportunity to consolidate and build their CV and prepare an application to undertake a PhD in public health. We are also keen to encourage applicants who may also have worked or be working within public health practice but wish to pursue an academic or practice academic career. To access the full advert and application form please see this PDF or HTML format.

The NIHR SPHR post-doctoral Launching Fellowships in Public Health Research are open to individuals with a PhD, for up to 24 months offering those appointed the opportunity to consolidate and build their CV and prepare funding applications to secure future funding (e.g. NIHR Advanced Fellowship). To access the full advert and application form please see this PDF or HTML format.

The closing date for applications to both schemes is 4pm Friday 20th September 2019.



Great to see so many #CLAHRC_Impact stories at the @RCNResearchSoc Conference #Sheffield #research2019 #Findoutmore

Keynote speaker Conquering research impact: Reaching the summit, making a difference and surviving Professor Angela Mary Tod PhD MSc MMedSci BA(Hons) RN, Professor of Older People and Care, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

Avachat: Co-designing a virtual agent to support self-management for individuals living with physical and mental comorbidities Authors and affiliation: Mrs Cheryl Grindell, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Enhancing the uptake of exercise after stroke: START (Small Task Aid Recovery Time)
Authors and affiliation: Dr Remi Bec, Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Knowledge Mobilisation through ‘Collective Making’ in nursing and health services research Lead: Daniel Wolstenholme, BSc RGN MMedSci, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Diet and fluids tolerated: content analysis of written descriptions of nursing care Presenter: Elizabeth Lumley, RGN, BA (Hons), MSc, The University
of Sheffield and Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, UK
Co-presenters: Daniel Wolstenholme, UK; Clare Warnock, UK

Situated learning in discharge decision making. An ethnographic study of ANPs in the ED
Presenter: Rachel King, The University of Sheffield, UK Co-authors: Angela M Tod, UK; Tom Sanders, UK

Rachel has previously written a blog on starting her PhD : PhD Study as a Mature Student: Mid-life Crisis or the Perfect Career Move?

All from our Translating Knowledge into Action Theme


Jo Cooke from our Core team with her work on Research Capacity Building


Using ‘Capacity for Impact’ principles to strengthen health visitors’ and school nurses’ research engagement and activity to make a difference Presenter: Sue Peckover RGN HV
PhD RGN MMedSci, Sheffield Hallam University, UK Co-presenters: Jo Cooke, UK; Louise
Wolstenholme, UK

Nurses who are doctors (PhD): Why do they do it and where do they go? Presenter: Susan M Hampshaw BA (Hons) MSc, The University of Sheffield, UK Co-presenter: Jo Cooke, UK Susan Hampshaw is a PhD student in our Public Health and Inequalities Theme and a Member of our LARK

Using the Visible ImpaCT Of Research (VICTOR) questionnaire to evaluate
the benefit of an NHS funded fellowship programme for nurses, midwives and allied health professionals (NMAHP) Presenter: Rachel Taylor PhD MSc DipRes RSCN RGN, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK Co-authors: Judith Holliday, UK; Jo Cooke, UK; Julie Hogg, UK  #VICTORImpact


Conference ~ Late breaking poster deadline Improving patient safety @Improve_Academy @YH_PSTRC @PACT_YQSR @IMPSAF2019

Join us for the 2019 Improving Patient Safety conference – sharing knowledge & creating a new vision for PS 

CALL FOR LATE-BREAKING POSTERS AT OUR CONFERENCE OPEN! This is an opportunity to present study findings or improvement project evaluation data that was not available before the main conference submission deadline.

Download form here: bit.ly/2ETliLt

Deadline is 13/09/19

Patient safefy october 2019


Yorkshire Health study: A decade of public engagement in health research @YorkshireCohort @annettehaywood @clarerelton1 @CMSmith215 @BissellHuman @ScHARRpubhealth #CLAHRC_Impact

Yorkshire Health Study: a decade of public engagement in health research and a legacy resource for years to come.

With NIHR CLAHRC YH coming to an end in September 2019,  the Yorkshire health study project has entered a new stage.  Data collection data has now ended and the study team is concentrating on the the organisation, and presentation of this large data set into a research ready resource for further academic enquiry, which will help improve health services for years to come.

PHI_YHS front page DL Leaflet 2014_Page_1

The Yorkshire Health Study (previously known as South Yorkshire Cohort), is a longitudinal observational regional health study that has collected health information from residents of the Yorkshire and Humberside region since 2010.

With the help of many thousands of people across the region this study has achieved great success in amassing a data set of over 73,000 records from the public via online and paper questionnaires.


This data has provided valuable insight into the health of the people in Yorkshire and the Humber, helping researchers improve services for the people who need them most.

The study has already supported a number of research studies https://www.yorkshirehealthstudy.org/your-research-studies producing more than 30 published papers. https://www.yorkshirehealthstudy.org/publications 

Find out more about the Public Health and Ineqaulties theme http://clahrc-yh.nihr.ac.uk/our-themes/public-health-and-inequalities  

Please contact m.h.fox@sheffield.ac.uk if you have any queries regarding this project.