NIHR CLAHRC Yorkshire and Humber Impact & Legacy Brochure online #CLAHRC_Impact @NIHRResearch #CLAHRC

In our annual brochures we have presented impacts in the following three key domains:
Health: By health, we mean the impact our work has on patients, the public, services, policy and practice that directly affects the health of the population of Yorkshire and Humber and beyond.
Wealth: By wealth, we mean the impact our collaboration can have through working with industry, improving or informing cost effectiveness, and improving the health of the workforce. This is alongside the direct investment that attracting research money into the region brings.
Science: By science, we mean the impact the research and project teams have on the way we do research. Pioneering and developing new methodologies (ways of doing research) and new theories to explain the way health services work.

NIHR CLAHRC YH Impact and legacy

We have produced an Impact and Legacy brochure demonstating a snapshot of the substantial work undertaken across the region and how our work has impacted in these areas.


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