EPSRC_ Grand Challenges in Healthcare Technologies

Grand Challenges in Healthcare Technologies: Initial List for Community Web Surveys

EPSRC’s Healthcare Technologies Theme invites the UK’s research and user communities to help us develop a number of Grand Challenges. These Grand Challenges will be used to inform the future strategy and direction of the Theme.

We are interested to hear the views of researchers from all disciplines and career stages, as well as clinicians, industry and other relevant stakeholder groups.
We worked with our Strategic Advisory Team to produce an initial list of Grand Challenges to which computational, engineering, mathematical and physical sciences can make a significant contribution. These are:
 Data analytics and digital infrastructure for healthcare
 Enabling technologies for regenerative medicine
 Engineering healthy behaviours
 Functional enhancement for safe and independent living
 Infection prevention and control
 Patient specific treatment
 Prediction and early diagnosis
 Smart surgeries and therapies
 Systems to support and improve healthcare provision
 Understanding and interventions in neurological function

The final list of Grand Challenges for Healthcare Technologies will be informed by the input we receive, both through the community web surveys and a number of stakeholder workshops. It is likely to differ from this list in number and scope. We welcome suggestions of additional challenges not covered by those already identified. You will be able to enter suggestions for additional challenges as part of any of the surveys in the ‘future approach for the challenge’ section.

The Grand challenges
The initial ten Grand Challenges are detailed below. The descriptions are intended to aid discussion and provoke feedback through the surveys. The final Grand Challenges and their descriptions will be informed by the input we receive.

The challenges will be used to define the future strategy and direction of the theme. The council has launched 10 surveys to collect feedback on its initial list of 10 grand challenges, which include technologies for regenerative medicine, infection prevention, and patient-specific treatment.

The deadline for completing the surveys is Monday 9th June and the final list of grand challenges will be published early in 2015.

Each survey can be accessed at:


A summary of the survey questions is also in the attached guidance pdf and researchers are encouraged to complete as many of the 10 surveys as they wish.